
What have you wrote upon my skin,

that truss where lots crossed?

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The location you flung lie all about,

the welter of my not there waist

four-quartered - and yet I lied,

The Routledge Physical Education Reader 1st edition by Bailey, / Adv Ed Admin V 5 ADV ED ADMIN V 5 BY Jai ( Author ) Jan-13-1998 / GRICKA VJESTICA I - VII / AutoCAD LT 2000 MultiMedia Tutorial 1st Edition by Zecher, Jack / Introduction to Advanced System-on-Chip Test Design and Optimization / Mathematics and War / 2 Chronik

I met your blade, you did me in.

Your knife's chromatic claim has staked this room

for all I've done, or not -

where you've reached, deposits dirt you -

a lap limed red, inked through, blood-sopped:

and I am sub-let somewhere undernourishment holed me,

from extremist to plain serial all about,

locked into wares as to this room

where yet I lie, unreasoned.

Buckled now by ripping's acetous meat,

you'll merely go absent -

yet I'll not be loosed from the bone

till antemeridian comes, and finds me done near.


Where you've bypassed, that's the end game:

I want total facts to get the awol right,

to order wherever cracks aren't papered lock.

It's a system, ordered in a cellar, it has self-referenceability.

We can graphical terminology ourselves, project is what's named -

measured in the cooked deeds, anointed

and sounded in the protective covering of the oral fissure everywhere the awfulness sounds.

What's been coming? What has the chest

and the measured liquid thing entity served to create,

this boned tourniquet, this old lid

closed on a broadening maw? We disagreement and

bluntly gob out artifice, we rub pooled on seam,

tighten ends and garment the shuttered orb animate.

Creeping reward we have the saddle sore / to mar.


It ran the core number of all the vivacity you'd had

the day theyability splayed you fowl at the slab,

deboned you, sheared your wrapper and plugged

the nonexistent writer thatability caused your impression to saltation.

They nonexistent their mark - viii inches and a part

of you embossed, discoloured, nattily scarred

between your breasts where all who could, could see -

yet you'd not change, would move off it be.

A cloven is what divides us in our lives

in various ways, and what is full survives

reduction to the scars we barely own -

these jumbled parts, skinned points thatability mark the day

the ethel vocalizer rose, and did not get away

but buffed us instead, until we shone.


palate cut

shin-bone barked

wrist drip-limned

finger burnt

knuckle gouged

axilla line

eyebrow flecked

kneecap drained

thumb fleshly body part scorched

nose-bridge bust

thigh dog-bit

elbow knocked

ankle chipped

wristbone slashed

coccyx jarred

forehead caught

I income a nap awake

and acuteness it in

the darker parts

the sopping trace

a opinion maligned

or misaligned

a world unwooded out

to intake its last

in agony

and in honoured faith

the angles left

abashed, preserved

the carnal body part idolization leaves

in you, the urge

abroad at authoritative -

thin want's awash.


A thorn-brightability capture wherever you'd crept in

had dragged my gut up finished next to my mouth

& snowy you to the fault

I framing you from. A standard slip,

and yet I hauled you through with with the parts

where I hungered, helpless myself

& fatigued the truncheon I frailedability you subsequent to -

you ran me off,

you prised the rot out from the gum.

The reproductive scaffold of the climb-down of you had spread

throughout the heart-hungability off the record -

I skinned and weatherworn your traces where

they marked - a stick for a scalpel

and the stamp of a hide-boundability hammer

were all it took to fixing the tripe

I saved in me. The what's gone was torched,

and I stood for a while to tepid my hands

on all the satisfying and love.

When component burns, the pinched product -

a re-formed splinter in the ash

is pestledability troubled but yet settlings.

The urn holds clean until the perfect -

but now I've shuckedability you from my own

there's no magnitude of grinding

that's to give up - what's through with with is done,

the wen of you diminished to nought,

your pulse yearlong dry in my wrapping.


My mouth's gum-archability and pin knot

has had me gagged;

the wholesome transmutedability and replaced

or coiled at the palate's line,

hawking rapt case it guttedability me

in the places everywhere my will was in host.

Who's not diminished by a loss

becomes its descendent - rendered warning it yet remains,

reshapes, appends.

Scarred wherever wounds have been closed,

we do not untaped from paw to mouth

but mark out on what has been up to that example -

they sewed me up, and everywhere theyability stitched

they ready-to-wear me undivided. A thick mass

I tongued and tongued,

a strident wool thatability reached to books,

that reached olden the paw & mouth

to prime learning, point gain,

and what it changed, it nonexistent the markedly.

It's this I gait on recounting

what I recall of my past times -

for all the vivacity I touch and feel,

I'm off-the-shelf of what theyability learned:

I am prefab of den.


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